CoderDojoDSM Meetup
Join us at CoderDojoDSM! Each month at CoderDojoDSM, youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, program a robot, or simply […]
Join us at CoderDojoDSM! Each month at CoderDojoDSM, youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, program a robot, or simply […]
Scratch is a great way for students to learn introductory coding. Not only is Scratch fun, but by using blocks and graphics, emphasis is placed on learning coding fundamentals rather […]
Join us for Tech Journey Connection, a virtual event sharing what our organization has been up to and where we're headed next! Interested in learning more about how you can […]
In this fun, hands-on and virtual introductory robotics workshop, students ages 10 to 15 will learn the basics about robots. Students will receive a brief overview of robotics and then […]
Celebrate 2020 Computer Science Education Week with Hour of Code™ Hour of Code™ is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) and to introduce millions of students […]
Celebrate 2020 Computer Science Education Week with Hour of Code™ Hour of Code™ is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) and to introduce millions of students […]
Learn how to code an animated winter snow scene using Scratch Scratch is a great way for students to learn coding. Not only is Scratch fun, but by using blocks […]
Join us at CoderDojoDSM! Each month at CoderDojoDSM, youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, program a robot, or simply […]
Scratch is a great way for students to learn coding. Not only is Scratch fun, but by using blocks (think digital LEGOs®) instead of text, emphasis is placed on learning […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]