TechTime Workshop: Code a Mad Libs® Story in Scratch
Virtual via ZoomScratch is a great way for students to learn coding. Not only is Scratch fun, but by using blocks (think digital LEGOs®) instead of text, emphasis is placed on learning […]
Scratch is a great way for students to learn coding. Not only is Scratch fun, but by using blocks (think digital LEGOs®) instead of text, emphasis is placed on learning […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]
NOTE registration for this workshop is required through the Altoona Public Library. Ages 10-13 only. In this fun, hands on workshop. kids will make an animated winter snow scene that […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]
Join us at CoderDojo Des Moines! Each month at CoderDojo Des Moines (CoderDojoDSM), youth ages 9 to 18 can learn to code, build a website, create an app or game, […]
Tech Camp 2021 will take place Tuesday, July 20 through Friday, July 23, 2021, daily from 9am to 4pm at the historic Franklin Junior High, 4801 Franklin Ave in Des […]
FIRST® LEGO® League Team Informational Meeting Join volunteer coaches as they share information about joining a central Iowa community-based FIRST LEGO League team for the CARGO CONNECT season. To participate, students must have been at least 9 years of age or no older than 14 years of age on January 1, 2021.