FLL Team Informational Meeting

Franklin Jr High 4801 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310, Des Moines, IA, US

FIRST® LEGO® League Team Informational Meeting Join volunteer coaches as they share information about joining a central Iowa community-based FIRST LEGO League team for the CARGO CONNECT season. To participate, students must have been at least 9 years of age or no older than 14 years of age on January 1, 2021.


FTC Team Informational Meeting

Franklin Jr High 4801 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310, Des Moines, IA, US

FIRST® Tech Challenge Team Informational Meeting Join volunteer coaches and mentors as they share information about joining a central Iowa community-based FIRST Tech Challenge team for the upcoming FREIGHT FRENZY season. To participate, students must be older than 12 but younger than 18 years of age.


Tech Journey Golf Outing Fundraiser Presented by Lean TECHniques

Beaver Creek Golf Club 11200 Northwest Towner Drive, Grimes, IA 50111, Grimes, IA, US

On Thursday, September 9th, 2021, Lean TECHniques will host the 2021 Tech Journey Golf Outing Fundraiser at Beaver Creek Golf Course! This event will have a 9:00 AM registration and a 10:00 AM shotgun start. Cost to play:* $400/foursome $100/individual (pairings will be completed the week prior) *This includes green fees for 18-holes, cart rental, […]

$100 – $400

10 Years With Tech Journey Reception

Exile Brewing 1514 Walnut St Des Moines, Des Moines, IA, United States

Join us in celebrating 10 years of Tech Journey! Please use the donation ticket on Eventbrite to let us know you're coming and help support our organization and students. Exile Brewing Tuesday, June 27 · 4 - 6pm CDT 1514 Walnut St Des Moines, IA 50309 Since its inception in 2013, Tech Journey has built […]

Tech Camp 2023

Franklin Jr High 4801 Franklin Avenue Room 1170, Des Moines, IA 50310, Des Moines, IA

Tech Camp is an immersive, invitation-only summer camp experience for central Iowa high school students. Since the first camp in 2013, a cohort of 8th or 9th grade students are invited each year with consideration given to socioeconomic status, gender and ethnicity/race. The new cohort, as well as the previous four cohorts, are invited to […]

2023 Tech Journey Open Presented by Lean TECHniques

Beaver Creek Golf Club 11200 Northwest Towner Drive, Grimes, IA 50111, Grimes, IA, US

Tee It Up For Tech Announcing the third annual Tech Journey Open presented by Lean TECHniques. This fall we're coming together for a round of golf to benefit our mission. […]

Tech mini-Camp 23.1

Shift Interactive 1220 NE Station Crossing Dr Suite 208, Grimes, United States

Developing a Minimum Viable Product At this Tech mini-Camp, students participating in Tech Journey's Tech Camp program will learn the process of developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for clients, […]

Tech Camp 2024

Franklin Jr High 4801 Franklin Avenue Room 1170, Des Moines, IA 50310, Des Moines, IA

Tech Camp is an immersive, invitation-only summer camp experience for central Iowa high school students. Since the first camp in 2013, a cohort of 8th or 9th grade students are […]


2024 Tech Journey Open Presented by Lean TECHniques

Waveland Golf Course 4908 University Ave, Des Moines, United States

Tee It Up For Tech https://techjourneyopen.com/ Announcing the fourth annual Tech Journey Open presented by Lean TECHniques. This fall we're joining others in the Iowa tech community as we swing […]