Why coding and robotics? It teaches students to create rather than consume. It builds confidence, allows students to take risks and fail while learning from mistakes as they iterate to better solutions (just like engineers). It allows for individual expression and enables creativity as students make stories come to life or create music, animations, games and the like. It supports critical thinking and problem solving. It can be associated to and used in all school subjects, disciplines and industries. Digital literacy is a necessary 21st century skill.
Scratch is a great way for students to learn introductory coding. Not only is Scratch fun, but by using blocks (think digital LEGOs®) instead of text, emphasis is placed on learning coding fundamentals rather than worrying about the syntax of a programming language. Scratch uses blocks of code that are placed together to create programs of instructions, if/then conditions loops, expressions, and so on. Scratch also brings together communities of content creators by allowing Scratchers to share their work, remix and learn from others.
The size of the class will be limited to 12 students on a “first-come, first-served” basis. There is no cost but a firm commitment of weekly attendance is expected. We understand absence due to illness. But as a free club with limited seats, Tech Journey desires to give priority to students who can commit to attending all sessions of the progressive learning activity. Please do not register a student if known scheduling conflicts exist. If you are unsure if your student will like coding, we can recommend other resources that may help discern interest.
The class starts Wednesday, September 11, 2024 and goes 8 weeks from 1:30 to 3:00pm each Wednesday.
- Age 9 – 14,
- Experience using a keyboard and mouse,
- New to coding (please do not register students with much prior Scratch experience),
- A Scratch account created at https://scratch.mit.edu/join,
- Student commitment to weekly attendance, and
- At least one parent needed weekly to assist with the class.
Registration is required at https://forms.gle/Qca9a6RLs1wqpiEQA. As part of registration, parents will be asked to share availability for involvement to help the instructor and engaging with the students. At least one additional adult benefits classroom management and increases safety. No technical experience is required. Example responsibilities include distributing materials and supplies, note-taking as needed, following instructions to help students with unplugged lessons and helping students stay on task. All weeks will need to be covered in order for the class to take place.
Students will use Tech Journey Chromebooks to ensure a uniform class experience.
Contact info@techjourney.org with questions.